Saturday, August 20, 2011

Vintage Goodness

A few weeks ago Rt 127 held the longest garage sale. I was so excited to attend a few in the Celina, Ohio area with my mother in law. So much fun! I did not purchase much, mainly because so many people seemed to use Antique Roadshow as a price guide, but I did make a few scores.
I found a nice little tea set with a tray. I had no intention of purchasing it, but the owner shouted a deal at me.

Can you believe this was only two dollars?

I have no idea what this is made out says Keystoneware. According to what minor research I have done, they manufactured both silver plate and stamped aluminum. I am thinking this is silver plate, the tray just throws me. It may be aluminum. It is probably from the late 1940s.
It was quite yucky when I bought it. But I cleaned it up with some baking soda and white vinegar, which did an excellent job of taking care of some of that...patina?. I could tell somebody once tried using a store bought silver/metal polish that ends with X as some of the silver plate is chipped off. But, as I do not plan to do anything more than set it on my dresser to corral little bits in, I do not mind. Two dollars people!
I do plan to purchase some more realistic fake flowers to put in it! These are from my daughter's collection.

1 comment:

  1. Hey Kelly, I'm just writing to thank you for your comment on my post at Three Boys! Sorry to hear about your circumstances, too.

    You're so right about having to be the right example for your children. My baby girl is the only reason I haven't completely lost it!

