Thursday, February 24, 2011

My Heart's at Home

I got this much loved and beaten up book from my local library. I have known of this author for some time through emails about her organization  Hearts at Home. But I am so glad that I picked up this book! Real inspiration for Moms! Whether you stay at home or work outside it, Jill Savage provides lots of encouragement for building the home life every Christian mom wants! Not only encouragement, but useful ideas as well!

Here is a rather shady peek at the table of contents. She covers many areas. One of my favorite is the chapter on hospitality. I sorely lack in this area! Growing up, people were not welcome in my family's home. Despite how I despised that, I seem to constantly struggle with making our home open to friends or family. Truthfully, it is not just my home, I personally do not have very many close friends. Maybe I need to learn not just to have a hospitable home for my kids' friends, but a hospitable face for making new friends. Perhaps that is a whole other post?
Some of my notes from this chapter are: remembering that it is not about me! It is about others. So even if I am not a natural extrovert, I need to work it out for our kids' sake and/or that of our family/friends. Also, I wrote that if I am worried about what my kids are exposed to, I need to make our home the hangout space. And doing that, how to set up guidelines for visitors. Such as a time of day that is off limits due to homework, piano practice, or family only time.
This book was helpful in making me think of what I want my home to be like for my children and spouse. It is very definitely not the home I grew up in, so I have some work to do on changing our family tree so to speak.

In other news...I have been hard at work on organizing keepsakes so will post about that at the end of the month! When I am giving myself a nice long break from that! I also have been working on a new recipe binder. But it has stalled out, due to that dang Dave Ramsey. Life was so much easier when I could just run to the store whenever I thought of something I needed! So my need of page protectors will have to wait a few days more. But I will post some pics when I am done, or rather: done for right now!